2019年3月1日 星期五

Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Industry Delegation ‧ Kuala Lumpur Exchange Group吉隆坡動漫電玩交流團

黃金種子參予Creat HK吉隆坡動漫電玩交流團,驚詫彼邦相關公司規模之大,往往數層Office;水準之高,荷李活也找其代工;發行網亦佔據東南亞市場。馬來人甚好客、有禮;就連年青的洗手間清潔員也甚有禮貌。

24-27/2 GSS participated in the CreatHK the Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Industry DelegationKuala Lumpur Exchange Group.
It was surprised by their scale of the animation & video game companies, many of which are several layers of office buildings. Their work level is also high even Hollywood lets them as outsourcing. The distribution network also occupied the Southeast Asian market.
The Malays are very hospitable and courteous, and even the young washroom cleaners are very polite.
There are also high levels in the animation of Hong Kong group friends. I know nothing about video games, but through the video game friend’s explanation, I have a little bit of understanding it.
However, visiting companies in 4 days were too much, come and gone, had not been able to interact and study! If reducing it and have a little more communication time, I believe that the skills and the market will be deeper interacting and the two sides will also benefit.
